EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE: The God Awful Truth – “All That Dark & All That Cold”

Hello friends, I know it’s been a while since we’ve updated our website, but today we have pretty good excuse with this exclusive premiere of Texas mathcore outfit The God Awful Truth’s sophomore full-length, “All That Dark & All That Cold,” and given the band’s penchant for cinema, it’s no surprise they have once again tapped film as a source of both visual and lyrical inspiration.

There are few bands who induce Homeric laughter for me, but there have been so many times when I was sitting around listening to The God Awful Truth where I had just had to throw my head back and belly laugh because what I was hearing was so ridiculously good. Guitarist Ben Hoke creates that classic pitch-shifted swarm-of-bees sound that so beautifully compliments that discordance and wonkiness of their rhythm play and off-kilter grooves, all powered by some of the best percussion and vocals in the genre from drummer Dalton Little and vocalist Jordan LaFerney, respectively. Bassist Graham Laird, a more recent fixture in the band, perfectly rounds out the missing low end, especially in their live performance, something very evident at our 4th annual fest back in 2022.

It seemed inconceivable that the band could possibly improve upon their current formula following their split with labelmates, Under the Pier, but All That Dark & All That Cold is easily their best work yet (see The Rainmaker), undoubtedly the mathcore album of the year so far, and is sure to please lovers of mathcore, metalcore, dissonance, or simply the breakdown.

“All That Dark & That Cold” drops tomorrow via Dark Trail Records, digital and physical preorders here.

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